Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm a People Person....

My big sister Sadie had her preschool Christmas pageant on Friday, and then they had a party. It was kind of like a meet n' greet, so Sadie introduced me to some of her classmates. I met Lucie, and Katie, and a nice girl named Lauren. I even met someone younger than me. His name is Owen. This is me hanging out with everyone while they ate cookies and punch. I had milk.

Sadie really has a thing for Chocolate Chip Cookies... and tiny cupcakes.

But I've been sticking to milk lately. Teething has been getting me down. I drool a lot, and to be honest, it hurts. Even if I use a frozen pacifier or that icky tasting Baby Orajel.

But I've heard of this guy named Santa, and that he likes to give kids like me presents. So, I'd like teething to go a little faster.... and a few books. Sadie said books are awesome, so I'm going on her recommendation.


And hats. I like hats. Especially ones with letters on them.

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