Monday, August 16, 2010

Hi. I'm new here.

My name is Georgina, but you can call me Georgie. I was born a few days ago, but my big sister Sadie said that blogging is a fun way to learn about the world around me. She says she's my "Editor".

It's been an interesting couple of days. There were lots of nice ladies at the hospital who took care of me, and a lot of really loud little kids like me in the nursery. My Mom smells nice, and sometimes I look at her and we just kinda smile at each other.

I haven't been able to see my Daddy much because he was taking care of my big sister Sadie. Sadie says hi to me sometimes and other times she would rather watch a Berenstein Bears DVD or play with Mommy's iPhone. But Daddy and I are getting to know each other since Mommy seems really tired. I think being born took a lot out of both of us.

I guess people really like to hear some of the details, but in a nutshell... I was born on August 12th, and it was a really rainy day. There's a longer story here. But I'll get into that later.

So, that's my first post. So, uhhh, hi! I'm Georgie. I'll be blogging here for awhile. I can't wait to meet you in person someday. Until then, you can laugh at my sleeping picture here. Can't seem to keep my eyes open lately....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Georgie! We're glad you're here and looking forward to hearing more from you.
