Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've been thinking about stuff....

It's been a busy month, so I haven't written much. I've been eating, looking at stuff, and sleeping a lot. I'm just taking it all in. People like saying hi to me... even people Mom and Dad don't even know. We were walking through the mall, and total strangers say comments like, "Wow! She's little!" I'm the right size for my age, but I guess people don't see a lot of newbies very often. Sadie has been wearing a t-shirt that says, "I'm the Big Sister!" I hope I'm not stealing her thunder. Actually, it's kind of hard to ignore Sadie.

Sadie has been a good big sister so far. She always says, "Hi Georgie!" when she comes home. And she holds my hand sometimes. She also asks to hold me sometimes. And she sometimes kisses me. She's pretty cool.

And something else I've noticed: Mom and Dad have a lot of books. I don't know how to read yet, but the books are lots of different colors, so I stare at the bookshelves a lot.

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